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Aricia - Starry, Starry Night

Location  Zharagar


Aricia is one of 13 magical girls blessed by the prophecy known as Harbinger of Redemption, which would bring a great era of blessings to the magical world of Zharagar. However, in an attack on Queen Elysia's castle, where the children were, the sorceress Zegrid kidnapped and cursed them, puttig the prophecy to an end.

She plays a central role in the story of Zharagar. She is a brave and determined girl, destined to play a crucial role in the fight against the dark forces that threaten the wizarding world.

As one of the orphaned girls in the prophecy, Aricia carries a significant burden, as her existence is intertwined with a grand destiny. She grew up in foster care, initially unaware of the true extent of her role in the prophecy. However, as events unfold and her potential is discovered, Arícia begins to understand the weight of her actions and choices.

Arícia is endowed with a fearless spirit and a charismatic personality. She is known for her empathy and ability to unite those around her. Through her journeys and challenges, she develops her magical abilities and discovers her inner strength.

Her involvement in the prophecy places her at the center of the conflict between the forces of light and darkness. She is one of those chosen to combat emerging threats, including the machinations of Lady Ophelia and the corrupting influence of Phobos. As time passes, Arícia forms close bonds with other key characters in the story, including Wilhelm, Constança and Cassiel.

While Arícia faces challenges and sacrifices, her journey is a search for self-knowledge, personal growth and the fulfillment of the destiny outlined in the prophecy. Her courage inspires those around her, and her determination sets her on the path of redemption not only for the magical world of Zharagar, but for herself as well.

But this superficial lifestyle hides a very romantic girl who loves - and eventually marries David, the group guardian angel.
This has nothing to do with Charmed, since I created them back in 1997.
They were featured in comic strips in one of my home town local newspapers.

Aricia is the one who lives like a celebrity. She loves fancy clothes, houte-couture, expensive jewelery, make-up and parfum. She is always very well dressed, even during battles. Her worst fear is to become ugly - inside and outside.

This piece was made when I began recreating my characters profile. This outfit is not her formal, but as she loves dressing up, I allowed myself to portray her in a different dress.

Hope you like it!

Check out other girls from the prophecy:

Arícia, uma das 13 garotas órfãs da profecia Prenúncio da Redenção, desempenha um papel central na história de Zharagar. Ela é uma jovem corajosa e determinada, destinada a desempenhar um papel crucial na luta contra as forças das trevas que ameaçam o mundo mágico.

Como uma das garotas órfãs da profecia, Arícia carrega um fardo significativo, pois sua existência está entrelaçada com um destino grandioso. Ela cresceu em um orfanato, desconhecendo inicialmente a verdadeira extensão de seu papel na profecia. No entanto, à medida que os eventos se desenrolam e seu potencial é descoberto, Arícia começa a entender o peso de suas ações e escolhas.

Arícia é dotada de um espírito destemido e uma personalidade carismática. Ela é conhecida por sua empatia e capacidade de unir as pessoas ao seu redor. Através de suas jornadas e desafios, ela desenvolve suas habilidades mágicas e descobre sua força interior.

Seu envolvimento na profecia a coloca no centro do conflito entre as forças da luz e das trevas. Ela é uma das escolhidas para combater as ameaças que surgem, incluindo as maquinações de Lady Ophelia e a influência corruptora de Phobos. Com o passar do tempo, Arícia forma laços estreitos com outros personagens-chave da história, incluindo Wilhelm, Constança e Cassiel.

Enquanto Arícia enfrenta desafios e sacrifícios, sua jornada é uma busca por autoconhecimento, crescimento pessoal e o cumprimento do destino delineado na profecia. Sua coragem inspira aqueles ao seu redor e sua determinação a coloca no caminho da redenção não apenas para o mundo mágico de Zharagar, mas também para si mesma.


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